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The Friends Annual Scholarship Program recognizes and supports deserving high school graduates from the Chinatown community and Evans Adult School who demonstrate a commitment to education and a plan to attend a four-year college or university.  Since 1985, the generous contributions of donors each year fund multiple scholarships to support the continuing education and development of the next generation of leaders. In 2021, the award amounts for graduating high school seniors and Evans Adult School graduates were $3,000 and $500, respectively, to help finance students’ first year in college/university.  


Applicants are evaluated based on high academic achievement, commitments to serve community through volunteer service, and greatest financial need. To view the list of donors and scholarship recipients for past years, click on

2021 36th Annual High School Graduates Scholarships


Award recipients will attend colleges and universities throughout the United States including Amherst College, California State University at Fullerton, California State University at Los Angeles, John Hopkins University, Middlebury College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Swarthmore College, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of California at San Diego


Selected videos recorded by scholarship recipients

*upload video asset file* Name, High School graduate, College/University, Major

*upload video asset file* Name, High School graduate, College/University, Major

*upload video asset file* Name, High School graduate, College/University, Major


2021 Evans Adult School Graduates Scholarships

*upload video asset file* Name, College/University, Major

*upload video asset file* Name, College/University, Major


To view the list of donors and scholarship recipients for past years, click on Scholarships.

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